Hello darkness my old friend.

I feel for you bud but I feel more for the kid because he doesn't know anything else but what he's shown.

A blank slate that you and another person brought into the world. If you hate the person you brought him in with maybe you'll struggle with hating the kid since he is part of her; that can't be fair though. He is even more part of her than you because he's been around her his whole life probably. He's also part of you though. You think he likes his mom? He obviously fucking hates her and his life by the way he is acting out. I bet he feels the same way you did man and hates you because he feels abandoned. He goes out to live with his dad almost as a grown man and his dad tells him he doesn't like him.

No one else is going to be able to get your son like you and mom. No amount of money is going to make that person want to click with.

Find something to bond with him over. So you have something to say about him and think about him that isn't so fucking nasty and negative. I see you like Game of Thrones. Maybe you should try and start something up with him about this? There is a card game, books, shows, board games, etc. Try and do something with him that doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth before one of you dies.

At worst talk shit about mom but that isn't ideal.

/r/gifs Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com