Help keep our beautiful rivers clean y'all!

Curious why it is that neither OP nor the account used in the xpost has any history showing interest or support of environmental causes in Texas or otherwise.

Not saying you can't have a sudden epiphany but spamming a couple subs -- this was also posted in /r/austin and removed because the sub doesn't permit surveys and petitions -- asking for signatures via a dubious (astroturf?) website seems sketchy.

OP, please post a list of persons responsible for funding nodumpingsewage-dot-org along with its founders, officers, etc. for full disclosure.

Want to help Texas rivers? Don't vote for politicians who accept money from lobbyists and others who support polluting them. Sewage, assuming the claim here is true, is one of several other pollution issues that affect our rivers. See also: petrochemical industry non point source pollution at well and pad sites adjacent to rivers and aquifer recharge zones, insecticides and fertilizers from golf courses and luxury home developments located near rivers and creeks, etc, etc, etc..

/r/texas Thread Link -