Help me understand why I'm such a looser who doesn't deserve any help in life, and should be forced to live the rest of my life in poverty and shame!!! You guys made the verdict I am, so who better to ask why! :D

1000 dollar iPhone isn't white privilege? Im.not saying that to be snarky I'm trying to see your point of view.

I'm not asking for an iPhone because I want to be cool, or because I just simply want one. It is for iPhone development. This is the exact quesiton I answered over and over. I'm just going to paste where I answered this question explicitly in my post:

Okay there seems to be people mentioning the same things. Do I really need the iPhone 6? No. Would it increase my ability to make the app the best I can? Yes. I chose gofundme because I'm not required to raise the full amount, so if I don't I can still take what I was able to raise and get the best I can with what I got. I don't see the harm in trying to provide myself with the best tools for a job I am attempting to make into a career

I was aiming for the top, and if I couldn't raise my goal I was totally willing to go for a used iPhone 5 or whatever iPhone I could manage to afford with what I ended up raising. I made that clear numerous times.

In regards to the rest of your post, it's not even the fact I didn't raise anything, casue honestly I wasn't expecting much, if anything at all. It was the attitude I was getting. People only kept asking the same question, which meant the clearly didn't read shit which in itself is disrespectful to someone putting their heart out there. And then there were the absolutely warrantless downvotes, like into the negative, for simply answering that same question politely, and thoroughly, while everyone but me was getting upvoted. To me that isn't the same as just not funding me, that's an added "go fuck yourself", which is what prompted all this.

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