"Her inability to just do a national interview and communicate genuine feelings of remorse and regret is now, I fear, becoming a character problem (more so than honesty). People hate her arrogant, like her down. It's a sexist context, but I think it's the truth."

I'm as based and deplorable as the next 'pede, but this is an unfair characterization of Secretary Clinton.

It is not arrogance that keeps her from doing this stuff and it is unfair of us to spread this and we all know it! I mean, sure, she is arrogant, but that isn't her reason.

The reason she doesn't go national and convey genuine feelings is that she is simply too ill, weak, and frail. It would be too great of a strain on her delicate frame to answer pointed questions about her crimes and atrocities or assume the burden of blame for anything greater than slight mistake.

The meds they have her on in order to keep her head propped up and both eyes open and, more or less, pointing in the same direction, probably have the side effect of erasing genuine feelings. This is not her fault! Absence of feelings is not the same thing as arrogance!

Come on 'pedes, we are better than that. Let's stay on point. She is not arrogant (except she is), merely corrupt and totally unfit for office on every conceivable level.

Sorry for the rant. Let's stay focused.


/r/The_Donald Thread Link - ikileaks.org