Hey guys I'm Loop, 17 y/o Partially blind/deaf CSGO streamer! AMA!

There is no shame in feeling that when getting abused by other people, we all feel that. I see myself as confident, but onliners make me mad sometimes, which is just a waste of time really. The thing is to always remember to walk tall, and instead of getting sad, maybe try and turn it into a little bit of anger instead, and tell that motherfucker to back off. Don't always be the nice guy - And then for gods sake just use that wonderful Mute function in CS:GO. Don't waste time of your lives listening to toxic onliners who wouldn't say shit to you IRL.

If one ain't feeling like having any confidence, do some stuff that pumps you up/makes you happy - take 10 quick pushups and tell yourself you got this shit, listen to your favourite song, and go for them 1-Deags. Confidence is not something that comes out of nothing, it's actually something we develop ourselves, even if we see ourselves as strong or not. There is something about the term "fake it until you make it".

A nice quote heard in Into The Wild: "It's not always necessary to be strong, but to feel strong."

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