Hey reddit! Have you guys ever met anyone for a very brief period in your life and wish you still had contact with? What was the story on how yall met and why did they make such an impression on you?

Probably too late but there's a person who I do not have direct contact with but they find me from time to time. One time that sticks out in my head was when I was on vacation in San Francisco. I had just gotten over teenage angst and was starting to see the world for the beautiful place it is. Outside the hotel I was smoking a cigarette and have a hobby of talking to strangers. A seemingly homeless man came up to me and asked for a cigarette, so I of course bummed him one and we started talking. He was getting off his shift as a busboy at a restaurant, and was on his way back to wherever he lived. He was pretty grimy and had a big backpack, and so the security guard of the hotel came up and began to ask the guy to leave. I told him it was cool, but the guard was persistent. This kind of triggered my buddy, who stated that there was no reason why he should have to leave since he was just talking to a friend. The altercation kind of elevated, and I was eventually in a position where I could either let this guy stay or have the security guard shoo him away. In this moment I made a terrible decision, and told this stranger that he should probably be on his way. His response haunts me. "I was trying to show you something". Well you definitely showed me something man. Sorry for backing capitalism and all the bullshit that allows for this kind of segregation that destroys communities. The whole night I was super fucked up about it, and the next day when I had finally realized I was in the wrong I went downstairs to have a cigarette. A new stranger appeared but this time as another homeless man with a guitar wailing on Little Wing. It made me feel better. Yet strangely alone. Wish I could meet the guy I shut down and genuinely apologize. Thanks man you really showed me something.

/r/AskReddit Thread