
Well of course it does!! My appendix busted once and I didn’t have any time to prepare for my surgery! I wish I had time to prepare it would’ve made me feel a lot calmer for sure. But try really hard to take comfort in the fact that your doctors will always provide you with the best care they can!! Which means they are basically medical superheroes. Make sure to tell them about how nervous you are and talk to your parents or other legal guardian/ as much as you need to feel more calmer and comfortable with it. Don’t hesitate to ask your family and friends to just distract you or let you talk about it some. But don’t let your worries consume you ! It won’t be super easy but I’ve always been told that having ADHD is a BLESSING. Bc when we put our minds to doing something there’s nothing out there that can stop us from making it happen!!

/r/medical Thread Parent