Hi, I have a budget of about 1 thousand dollars I saved up to buy my son a computer may you please help me? This is my first big purchase in life, Thank you

I am not exaggerating, even if you can get a new monitor for $75, guess what, 20$ calibrated display is still miles ahead in value, (which you still will never recoup), (calibrated)1440p+ and or up 120hz+ you may recoup even 50% for the next 3 years (new), if you buy something that goes into the trash when you replace it, you have made a mistake.

Just to be clear, before we devolved into discussing whether choppy (implied mouse)movement and frame cap of 60 per seconds was not important (is my english really this bad?), I recommended that the op either;

A) Buy only the tower now (and wait for a good deal on a higher refresh rate monitor)

B) Buy used 1080p 60hz for the low low price of up to 10(-20) freedom dollars (and discard or keep as secondary shit monitor when buying a proper panel)

I cannot see this as bad advice under any circumstances, it's just a question of reclaiming value.

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