Hi ladies, I'd like to talk to someone about this but don't know where to go. How do you get through the worst day(s) of your life?

I'm so sorry for your loss. One thing I will let you know is that you may never feel "normal" again. At least not like before. Your reality has shifted, and you'll have to come to a new normal.

I know for me if I break down things into little pieces I can focus on the immediate until I can make it to a place where it's okay for me to break down and let the feelings take over.

People will probably be on eggshells for awhile until they suddenly aren't, then that will seem weird because your world is not balanced and suddenly everyone expects you to be magically okay again. They are over it, so why aren't you? Ignore this. They just don't understand.

If you are feeling up to it I suggest finding a group with other people who have experienced a similar loss, because this is something that unless you've gone through it, no one will understand, not fully. And it gets frustrating trying to explain it to people who haven't experienced such a devastating loss.

Grief isn't a straight line, there are constant set backs and triggers. You jump from one stage to the next, or even skip around. This doesn't mean you are regressing or not handling it! Just some days are going to be much harder than others. If you need to vent feel free to PM me.

/r/AskWomen Thread