Hi, so I met a girl in class last week and I thought she was cute but today she told me she was actually trans and I have no idea what to do

Omigosh I'll tell ya what you want to do. You talk to that girl. You chat her up. Ask her out on a date. Take that girl out on as many dates so long as you both are feeling it. You flirt with her and she you; slowly increase physically contact if she's ok. Revel in her femininity. See how far it goes. Maybe it will end up with you taking her home and banging the shit out of her. (Fucking spoon her afterwards and tell her how great it was).

She may or may not like her penis. She's a girl! You already see her as so. You probably won't even touch it. She probably won't even want you to. She probably wants it converted asap because it's keeping an a guy like you away.

You don't owe her anything though. She also doesn't owe you. Both you and her are facing societal pressures. Like for you, your boys could give you crap for even talking to a derogatory term. Your also not obligated to be with her knowing this cruelty.

Don't do anything you don't want to do. It you change your mind at any point that is ok too. Do your best to be honest and truthful while occasionally taking risk and standing up for what you want in a some times cruel and unjust world. (Sometimes you have to be cruel too).

What was I talking about?

/r/asktransgender Thread