Homeless man gets shot multiple times by officer in Albuquerque [Officer POV]

What the fuck.

No way. Are these TRAINED police officers in some way?

3 vs 1. 3 guys WITH GUNS AND A DOG. 1 guy with a small knife. No, sorry. two small knives.

He was turning around/bending over at the same time when they decided to shoot him. I think I hear two shots to the right, from the camera guy.. THEN, The CAMERAGUY fucking pops 2-3 LIVE FUCKING ROUNDS BEHIND HIS POLICE COLLEAGUE, who is standing infront of him well within the 45degree radius.

Hear me out: I mean, if you cant hold your fire when a guy is simply turning around with a lethal hand to hand weapon (while standing several meters away from ya) or when your buddy is popping a few shots (Only because one guy shoots, It doesnt mean YOU have to shoot. FUCKING TRIGGER CONTROLL. KNOW WHAT YOU ARE SHOOTING AT)

All I am saying is I don`t think this guy filming this shit is nowhere well enough trained for this: 1. He is behind two of his colleagues(and one DANGER close!) when shooting (I thought respect the 45 degree angle in a firefight.. But this is well within 30!) 2. Despite that, he just automatically shoots when the other guy shoots. What if his buddy took ONE step to the left? pop, pop. One policeofficer and one "bad guy" dead.

And after fucking shooting this bad guy, they are all panicking. "GET YOUR HANDS UP IF YOURE STILL ARMED." "DROP THE KNIFE" BAM - one NON lethal shot. And they fucking send the dog first. Fucking pussies.

How is this possible? This is fucking rape of a fucking innocent.

I am really sorry for this comment. Please point out any mistakes I have done. But please consider this: I am extremely high on heroin right now, and I am indeed loving it. I dont know if this guy they killed even is dead. Or what he have done. I am so fucked up right now that I think I have spent about 2 hours writing and writing this. I even chased the dragon while writing this. And of course I had to proof read this shit like hundred times to check if it makes sense, and if everything you know, makes sense. Because I am fucking high.

The point being ladies and gentlemen: Dont do heroin before browsing reddit, because youre just going to fuck some shit up in the comments and you`re probably gonna get everything wrong and get bashed by other stupid fucking redditors that have never, ever ONCE in their lives been WRONG.

No, seriously.. Does my comment make any sense at all? Did these guys fucking KILL him or what? I mean, I think what I pointed out was that they were FUCKING POORLY TRAINED. Again, I am so sorry if this makes NO sense. I should really stop commenting. :(

/r/watchpeopledie Thread Link - liveleak.com