Homeschooled kids of Reddit, what challenges did you face once you were in the "real world?"

I'm a pretty big screw up, but I don't know how much of that is due to homeschooling and how much is me just being a sperg. I'd been homeschooled since I was in Kindergarten all through high school. I was a very normal kid in my pre-teen years, even though I was homeschooled. I still played on some community sports teams and had a good amount of friends.

When I was 13 my dad's job sent us overseas for 3 years. Being homeschooled allowed me and my parents to travel all over Europe until I was 16, which was a benefit of homeschooling. On the other hand, I got behind during my early high school years and needed to do an extra year of homeschooling to catch up.

My personality developed into becoming very socially awkward during that time. Living in a foreign country made me isolated and I don't think I developed social skills that most people, even other homeschooled kids, would develop in their teens.

When we came back to the US I wanted to become an Eagle Scout, so I joined the boy scouts and got my eagle a couple of weeks before turning 18. This gave me some socialization, but I started realizing how awkward I felt after basically having no socialization except with my parents for the last 3 years. I finished my last year of high school when I was 19 and took my SAT and ACT. I had to teach myself math and science subjects for the last 2 years of high school because my mom couldn't help me, but I still had very high SAT and ACT scores.

I pretty much had my pick of a handful of colleges, with a few of them offering full rides and others offering good financial aid. I ended up picking a top 50 US school in the South that required me to live on campus.

Long story short, I couldn't handle the social environment, became extremely depressed and apathetic, and let myself flunk out after 3 semesters by putting in zero effort.

Now I'm almost 23 and still live with my parents. I've just started going back to my state school that I could have had a full ride in 4 years ago, but I still don't know what to major in. I'm essentially a freshman still.

I have no friends and I've never had any romantic experience. I don't think I'm ready at all for real life. I only recently became comfortable driving. I still feel like a child and like all my classmates are more adult than I am.

I don't know how much of it is from homeschooling and I know I should take most of the blame for throwing away my opportunities, but I can't help but resent my parents for deciding to homeschool me. I feel like I didn't have a chance to develop normally.

/r/AskReddit Thread