Honestly, what is Generation Z?

That is how it works. Generation is not related to age or year born. Generation is directly linked to what came before and after in a series. Xbox 360 was the next gen console to Xbox. The general naming of generations I believe started with the Baby Boomers. It was a political term coined at the time for marketing and campaigning. But then the question arose, where did the boomers come from? Then the term "The Greatest Generation" came into being. Boomers had kids and they became Gen X. And so on. But these labels are all just a generalization. Let me give you an example. My mother is a Boomer and she had me when she was 34. Making me A Gen X. BUT my best friend, we'll call him Steve, his mother gave birth to him when she was 17. And her mother to her when she also was 17. My friend and I are the same age. His grandmother and my mother are the same age. So we are the same age but I am a Gen X and he is a Millennial. Get it?

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