Honestly, what makes you hard to love?

I really just don't have time for any relationships.

On weekdays I have to wake up at 5 am to get to work on time, then I have to go directly to class or work on homework/studies afterwards. I usually finish around 9pm if I'm lucky. While on the weekends I try to make Time for friends just so I can still maintain some kind of social life.

I still live with my parents at the moment, and they are still surprised if I ever take time out of my day to talk with them. Let alone if they see me leave my room.

To maintain any kind of relationship I would have to either take less credit hours, or switch to part time at a job where hours are fairly competitive. I could also uninstall Reddit, but I rarely post get on here anymore except to check on my favorite subreddits.

Not to say I don't currently like my schedule. I just really don't have time for anything serious at the moment.

/r/AskReddit Thread