Hope I don't offend anyone but.. What's the deal?

I love my MIL, but I've commented about my in laws before because as nice as they are, there are a lot of cultural differences and I am really hormonal right now. I mean, I think I tend to take things the wrong way sometimes. Also, we are living in their living room right now since we just moved to their city. It's stressful, plus I have depression, anxiety, and OCD that are untreated right now and they don't necessarily understand me, since even without those things I have aspergers anyways.

I don't have my own space right now and I can't really nest or look forward to my baby's arrival, because I am worried about how much they will understand me needing space. They are close to their extended family and I am worried about too many visitors too soon.

I'm also in a lot of pain but I think my MIL gets annoyed that I sit around a lot. She's also mentioned that when my husband starts working and the baby is here I should pitch in by cooking dinner sometimes, because I will have all day. I do help around the house, but it will be weeks before I will be able to run around cooking dinner for a bunch of people, and quite frankly we are hoping to be moved out before I am fully recovered. So I'm stressed about how much she thinks I will b able to do. The truth is I'm not sure, I've never done this before. She's done it four times! I admire her strength but I don't think with getting used to being a mom and getting back on my meds I will be the productive daughter in law she wants. Our families grew up together in a society where the daughters in law move in and do a lot of work around the house for their mothers in law while their mothers in law take the baby, so I'm not sure how much of that she's taken to heart. (To explain to further basically my husband and I grew up in Central Asia, my parents still live there and my in laws are back in the US now, but were culturally very influenced by living there, on top of my MIL being Hispanic and very traditional, they think very differently about certain things)

Basically, I am a mess right now, they've done so much for us but we don't always gel well. Sorry if I've ever added to the negativity! I love and appreciate my husband's family but there is a lot going on and sometimes I need to vent a little.

/r/BabyBumps Thread