i hope they release a new tank and healer next expansion

Dancer evasion tank

Geomancer barrier tank

Psychic reflect tank

Beastmaster pet tank

Blue Mage absorption tank (mitigates damage by absorbing part of it as healing, thus offsetting its low caster health pool, and getting some dope Blue Mage monster abilities in the process)

Anything but another heavy armor defense tank. Please.

The three tanks in the game all have the same core functionality, which is wear heavy armor and mitigate by virtue of sheer defensive numbers, with very minor unique trimmings. You can only make so many heavy armor mitigation tanks before they start to blend together and lose their personality; as we see with DRK which has struggled to carve itself a niche ever since it was first implemented. DRK would be the perfect candidate for a vamp tank with Souleater and a bevy of other characteristically Dark Knight abilities, but "that's WAR's identity"...which SE never actually capitalized on outside of Bloodbath...which they then removed in 4.0.

By the same token, AST and WHM are basically the same class. This could have easily been avoided if they had stripped WHM of its regens and turned it into a big dick single target healing class that works well with tank buster-heavy fights and made AST a regen healer that excels at fights with spaced out sustained damage. Similarly, cut SCH in half. Make SCH the utility healer while an unnamed fourth healer becomes the shield healer.

Basically, what I'm saying is that I want some uniqueness among tanks and healers and please for the love of god do not give me another heavy armor defense tank. The current "balance issues" among the tanks and healers are entirely of SE's own making because they've homogenized the classes, pigeonholing them into what they "should" be, and are afraid to step outside of their defined box. Not every tank has to be a high-defense, plate armor wearing hulk that barely takes damage; when you do that, Paladin begins to lose its identity. And not every healer has to have big dick heals that can pull a run from the brink of death by sheer throughput; when you do that, WHM begins to lose its identity. What he have now is boring, and SE needs to grow some balls and start experimenting.

As an aside, a friend and I were talking about what if SE combined Beastmaster and Blue Mage? You go out into the world and tame whatever pet you want/need as the Beastmaster half, and then you draw your Blue Mage skills from the pet. The class is still a tank as above (also people have been wanting Blue Mage to be a tank, so it's a win-win), so you then draw additional Blue Mage skills from whatever mob you're currently being hit by. ...But that would require innovation and experimentation so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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