Horizon Zero Dawn - Realistic Graphics Snow Area

Right, I get it. Now you get something: I have a neuromuscular disease that has been slowly killing me since I was a kid. I am at the point now where I cannot work, and since I wasn't able to work for a very long time before I couldn't, my social security checks are tiny. My disability income is a little bit bigger, but you need to understand that every single penny I have, normally, goes towards only surviving and nothing else. My clothes are all donations, my food is from Aldi or cheaper when I can find it, I have no streaming accounts anywhere, no cable tv and no landline. The only way I can save anything at all is if I go without now and then, which I do a lot so that I can eventually-- fifty cents here, a dollar there, get something that staves off wanting to do nothing but die for another couple of months.

I have a miserable existence, and there's very little fun of any kind in it. And for you to come along and piss on me over it is not something a good person would do. And you believe you're a good person, don't you? Most people believe they're good people.

Well, you aren't. You might be a nice person to the people around you, but there's nothing good in you at all.

/r/gaming Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com