How do I [20F] talk to my boyfriend [20M] about buying me more?

I guess I always knew I was more “gift giving” and definitely never saw it as an exception he HAD to give back, although he said he wanted to spoil me one day which did make my heart flutter.

The only issue that is making me upset is last summer for my birthday he spent the day with me, but never got me anything and I paid for the day. I wasn’t too worked up about this as he didn’t have a job. He just got let go at this point.

For Christmas I never got anything, and I wish I knew what before I went big on his gifts so that’s the first time ultimately I was a little disappointed, but he still didn’t have his job.

For our anniversary, he had his job now and he got me some chocolates from Walmart, but complained a few times that “he doesn’t know what I like” and “ I don’t talk about myself enough” but I think I do? I tell him everything, and i’d hope he would know something after a year together... this was the start to my worry.

Now my birthday is in a few weeks, and i’m not sure if anything will happen, I just don’t want to pay our stuff again; I feel I have to pay him to basically hang out with me at this point.

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