How about a meme to ease some of the panic?

The history of oil booms and busts in the oilpatch has resulted in a policy of continued work during the bust, so that we could be in a position to profit when it booms. We need more capacity to make use of the booms effectively. We can't meet demand, Vancouver is having to buy refined product from Edmonton. There is a 3rd refinery that has been floated, possibly in Kitimat. The pipeline, even if oil crashes, we still be needed, unless you'd prefer to tanker in some oil and gas.

Additionally, that 5-15% of the GDP "Berta" was regularly kicking in, even in hard times... just became -5% like the east. but ya screw 'berta right?
#1 Canadian export: crude oil
#3 Canadian export refined oil product

Looks to me like all of Canada needs to get busy diversifying. Canada is a petro state and every time you bash 'berta you also dick punch yourself.

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