How the actual fuck do you play Twisted Fate in lane? (r/TwistedFateMains seems pretty dead so here I am)

Slow and calculated. That's why you cannot replicate Apdo. TF doesn't have much in mechanics/combos, but Apdo knows basically everything about the game and every time he does something there's a reason. You don't know what he knows, so you can only get lucky - you can't copy him at all, so don't try.

TF plays the lane vs ranged by focusing on farm, period. If they wander too close (don't confuse this with a gank) for a CS or whatever, you do punish them, trying not to shove the wave out if possible. TF NEVER wants to be pushed up in lane. He is a free kill if he is.

He gets a lot of gold from his passive, because he is weak in combat at base power, so the bonus gold lets him earn items faster than most. This is why he doesn't fight early, up front he loses most 1v1s, but he can get his items faster than most to compensate if he farms. Post 6, most champs are even stronger with their ults, emphasizing the need for TF to roam with his ult.

He takes towers well, so he can split push well and use ult to suss out a collapse or join his team if they get engaged on from further than many mids.

Vs melee, you still focus on farm but you look to zone them from farm until they gain their gap closer, where you return to farming again - these melee champs can kill you if they get on to you due to your squishy nature. Harass anytime you -can-, so watch their spell CDs.

Later on, you wanna group if your team is a strong teamfight or split if it does not, your ult and good wards are more than enough and W + Lich Bane make quick work of towers.

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