How do you ask someone if they are gay in a nonchalant way without seeming too pushy

I did it to a new co-worker today. Granted I was a bit buzzed by the end of the night. But I just said it point bank. Like hey I know you mentioned today that you took theater in school but I'm just curious are you gay? I made it clear I was gay and already dating another guy first so it didn't seem like I was coming on to him or anything. But no matter how uncomfortable this shit is we should strive to normalise it. He said no and I believe him, maybe he was bullshiting me and ultimately it's up to him to make that decision weather or not he wants to be out. And maybe I'm an asshole for asking, but if we are going to move forward as a society this shit should not matter. We should be able to discuss our feelings as easily as talking about the weather or last night's game.

I'm drunk and pissed, and I want to not necessarily kill myself but I'd be fine with a few year coma

/r/AskGayMen Thread