How can Lib Dems in the UK come back?

I tend to think with Keir Starmer as leader of Labour the Lib-Dems are pretty screwed. Last election was pretty much their dream case of an election with Corbyn representing the far-left and Johnson + Farage representing the far-right and no party really taking a strong anti-Brexit position. But even then they could only muster 11% of the vote and a handful of seats. Now both Starmer and Johnson are pivoting their parties more towards the center-left and center-right respectively leaving the Lib Dems completely squeezed out ideologically. In addition the party simply has too much baggage for voters left of center from their 2010 coalition, and voters right of center with their anti-Brexit campaign. In addition it seems like the country as a whole want to move on from Brexit which is bad news for the most staunchly anti-Brexit party. You also have to figure many of those center-left voters which gave the lib dems a chance in 2019 will go back to Labour at this point with Starmer at the helm and knowing their votes did nothing but secure conservatives a massive landslide victory.

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