How creepy would you find it if a guy (23M) you're seeing left you a small care package on your doorstep after a rough day? (21F)

Hey OP! Based on everything you had said and things you've discussed with her, plus addressing her highest love languages, you would be a fool not to leave her a care package honestly. Reading this had too many similarities to how I used to think/be when I was your age (ps. I'm 29 now) and let me tell you a little story about how my last two almost three years went down--

my(29) gf(27) and I had met before the start of covid lockdown and spent our time together doing similar things you do with this girl (eg. playing games, phone calls all night, etc.) and it built our relationship up. Amongst our many moments of deep conversations and getting to know each other, there's one in particular that I'll never forget. During isolation lockdown, she had decided to deliver a care package for me at my door with a nice text & pic.

She delivered it to surprise me because we wouldn't be seeing each other for awhile and she filled it with my favourite candies & chips with an iced tea. It wasn't creepy at all and it is a defining memory of falling in love with her. Mind you we were a couple of months in but the message is still the same. 6 months in, I asked her to go on winter holiday with me & family to Hawaii. That would be crazy & creepy to others but I felt it right and took a risk, we're happily in love since then on.

Do what your heart tells you, be bold, be courageous, and put your heart out there. You'll feel much better doing so and you said so yourself, you two spend A LOT of late nights sacrificing some sleep to spend time together in some way. Plus you also said that she's a hopeless romantic & loves cheesy gestures, what you want to do is perfectly in alignment with everything she values. Do it. Not creepy, it's endearing to someone like her based on how you described your relationship & her love languages. If you believe her to be your relationship person, would you not want to take emotional risks to grow & see where your adventures with her will take you two?

ps. my gf and I are happily together, moved-in and are building a home within each other. She understands, respects, loves, and is committed to growing with me. We feel truly safe and comfortable. If that's part of the kinds of things you desire too, take a chance with your cute idea only because it's what you feel in your entire beingness & heart, not what you think is right or accepted by others.

/r/relationships Thread