How did you hear about Overwatch? Did it leave a good impression?

Guy with almost 3,000 hours playing TF2 here, can confirm. I would go into detail but I'm tired so I'm gonna quote something I've said before:

I don't think even competitive matchmaking is going to save TF2. Mostly every update now revolves around skins and cosmetics, and occasionally has a very mediocre buff or nerf that doesn't significantly change anything game-play wise.

Valve seems to also be hell-bent on adding as much unfinished crap in the game in order to keep their game going for as long as possible. Remember how much of a gamechanger Mannpower and PASS Time was? What about the fact that Cactus Canyon and Asteroid have been in development since July 8th, 2014? Don't even get me started on the damn "Bi-monthly" comics that started back in August 27th 2013 and is still on comic #5 almost 3 years later.

Don't get me wrong, I love TF2. It's one of my most played games on Steam, with almost 3,000 hours in since I started playing in early May 2013, but I'm afraid that Valve is slowly allowing the game to die. Heck, one of the reasons why /r/tf2 is so popular is because it's a giant hivemind that refuses the fact that it's an 8.5 year old game and people are going to eventually loose intrest.

TL;DR: Valve has been letting TF2 die for a while now due to the fact that they're too lazy to buff underpowered weapons viable and too afraid to nerf overpowered weapons so that they're not mandatory. They're almost completely silent and never respond to their community. They keep pumping out unfinished content because they want to keep the "spark" going, but they don't have enough resources in order to work on all of them at once. it's like having a million dollar diamond stashed behind this accumulated mass of shit, it's a problem that should've been fixed a long time ago but now it's too far gone to even bother.

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