How does dating work for a single [23F] mom of 2 toddlers?

I think he went from man mode to boy mode. A mother of two is actually pretty cool. To me it signals fertility and health. If I were to consider being with such a woman I would ask her if she will have more children. If she said no, I'd tell her I'm capable of showing love to the kids because they're half you, and kids are just happy ands delightful creatures (as Dr. Jordan Peterson said), but unless there is something biologically wrong with me I'm not willing to only raise another man's offspring. I would not care what she brought with to the table financially. You have to assess if you're looking at a relationship or a transaction. Be honest about what you're assessing and when. Now this next part will ruffle the feathers of some obtuse people incapable of grasping the concept so I figure it's trigger warning time. Value as a woman precipitously drops as a woman gets older. However, value as a person does not. Yet, the value as a person is in constant need of cultivation for both men and women, as in personality. Men tend to gain value as their ability to provide and experience to teach increases and they don't have a biological clock. Women, particularly in the west dilute the differences in the sexes as merely cultural (which plays a small part but developed atop a platform of biological differences). Women get 4 forms, men get only the first 2. Those are child, adult, mother, and menopause. You know this 3rd form very well. So one comment suggested you working on yourself, and that's a good idea insofar as developing your education and interests. However, those things can be done while in a relationship too. The allure of a relationship, especially to single mothers with small children is readily apparent for security, support, and comfort, likely in that order. But, all too often she will cursory ignore a lot of right fit warning flags for the heady rapture of "feeling again" if the man doesn't set off any red alerts in the beginning. She ends up bewildered and wondering what happened as it fizzles out. The fact you posted a comment shows wonderful introspection and desire to grow and find a lasting love. And love feels great, but it is highly corrosive and sometimes toxic if it's not used with a catalyst of mutual respect. I'll tell you what my medical doctor cousin told me when I called him for advice, "it's called a relationship, not an understanding-ship."
Finally, don't let the failing of men and perhaps the thumping and twisting of scripture kill your spirituality with god. There's room for both religion and secular in life and many compelling arguments for both sides of the coin. It's an abhorrent cultural vacuum to treat mankind as if it were even capable of replacing god, yet foolhardy to not acknowledge our advances as a species. Your little ones rely on your strength, courage, and faith to build their model of the world. I hope you'll find your path soon. If you're looking to be self sufficient I'd highly suggest air force of you're in the states. They pay well, have great food, give amazing medical care, nearly $4k per year in tax free school financing, even if you don't touch your gi bill, and can get you trained as a medical technician, or radiology, and from there offer you the world. Caveat, you have to have someone watch your kids during basic training and tech school, both of which are challenging but not difficult. It's a scary suggestion but an amazing chance. Plus if you start before 2018 you should still be able to get the 20 year retirement and full medical for life.

/r/relationships Thread