How does one…

The position is a coordinator for a program that helps underprepared STEM students so I wrote about building relationships with young people.

In the interview when I was asked about my strengths, I focused on that and how I can get kids to put in effort to please me because of our strong relationship. They feel good about themselves when they succeed, and the external motivation (making me happy) becomes internalized.

When asked how I have dealt with conflict with a co-worker, I told them how I lost my temper with a student and yelled at him. (Eyebrows raised.) Then I told them how I apologized to him in front of the class and admitted my behavior was disrespectful. I said that it's important to hold ourselves accountable for our own behavior and do our best to do better. (They loved that.)

In the beginning of the interview I was nervous and giving canned answers. I realized that was stupid and just started being myself and gave unrehearsed answers. That's when things went really well. I told them I'm weird, I talk too much and my desk will never be clean. I somehow got the job and they agreed to wait until January so I can finish out the semester.

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