How is Dota 12v12 allowed in Arcade? My friend and I were playing a game and an another guy who donated to the creator used PAYED KICK OPTION TO KICK US. AND THE KICK CRASHES YOUR GAME.

Calm down there buddy, your CS 101 class made you a bit too cocky.

That exploit you linked is almost 2 years ago, and fixed long ago. You mentioned that buffer overflows is what bade flash insecure? That's just factually wrong, buffer overflows is a small minority of the exploits that make Flash a piece of shit, these are the code execution exploits for Flash.

Are some of them overflows? Yes, are some of said overflows buffer overflows? Yes, is it a minority? Yes, are buffer overflows the primary reason Flash is insecure? No.

The way the game is crashed most likely doesn't contain a buffer overflow, and it just uses some sort of infinite loop, chances are a custom game mode doesn't have permission to write outside of it's buffer at all, if it even has permission to write it's own data itself.

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