How Elizabeth Holmes’s House of Cards Came Tumbling Down

So I disliked her before, but now I'm thinking about it and I hate her even more now. Because I now remember how my dad turned down so many opportunities to first author papers and books and go to conferences and present his work because he was self-conscious about English not being his first language. I mean, that was a minor consideration. He had other, bigger reasons for not wanting to do that and get the recognition he deserved for his work and I think ultimately he was satisfied with his choices, but it is now seriously pissing me off that this woman could spend so many years talking such absolute nonsense and be taken so fucking seriously and my dad who was a brilliant engineer was ever even for a moment worried about his command of the English language not being good enough to present his work himself. "A chemistry is performed..." Are you fucking kidding me with this shit? I've spent my entire life surrounded by engineers who were first generation immigrants who spoke English as a second language and never heard a single one of them mangle the English language in such an absurd way. It's fucking nonsense.

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