How to end discrimination against black people

Holding people accountable after they've paid their debts? You sound no better than these SJW types.

No. This is the exact reason people go straight back to prison after getting out. Nobody accepts them.

They commit crimes because they feel like outcasts to society, and they don't belong. Even though they could have grown up without a father figure did they have a choice over that? No. They were misguided. It isn't their fault. Is murder excusable? No. But neither is treating people as subhuman for being forced into shitty living conditions, households, and neighborhoods.

They go to prison for commiting crimes that probably could have been prevented if they were just treated like people, instead of outcasts, and when they get to prison, they meet people that think like them; act like them.

Then crime becomes a normailty for prisoners. Prison fights, murders, rape. It becomes normal. Why? Because people like you think "Why do prisoners deserve rights? Their safety and personal well-being doesn't matter because they committed a crime."

That's not the point. This is the REASON they are there in the first place. Nobody gives two fucks about them. And when they get out, nothing changes. So what do they do? They resort to their NEW normailty (Murder, rape, theft, etc.) because that's the only thing they've known for YEARS in being in that environment.

After all this, what are we left with?

Oh right, were left with a 32 year old man that is going to spend the rest of his life in prison, sucking off of taxpayer dollars, because he grew up in a household where his mother didn't hug him enough and his dad hugged him too much. And now, he feels the only place is in a cell, because, as a prisoner, he had more rights than a free man.

Prison used to be about rehabilitation. People like you don't care about them. That's why they end up eating resources of the public (Taxpayer dollars, food, healthcare, shelter, etc.) Why? because its' easier to lock them in a cage and claim they aren't human enough to vote?

The sad part is, you aren't the only one taht thinks like this. It's shameful, really.

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