How do you feel about dying/death?

Once there was a shop owner who wanted a sign to put up in front of his shop to bring him good fortune. He went to a Zen monk, and asked the monk to write a sign using Chinese characters for that purpose. The monk agreed to do it, but said it would take him at least a day. He told the shop owner to return the next evening, and the sign should be ready.

The next day when the shop owner returned he saw the sign that the monk had written, he was horrified at the message he saw written on the sign. The sign read, “Grandfather dies, Father dies, Son dies.” He confronted the monk asking, “What is this terrible thing you have written for me? I asked you for a sign to bring me good fortune…and all you give me is this story of death. How does this represent good fortune?"

The monk replied, "The good fortune is in the sequence."

/r/AskReddit Thread