How do you feel about guns and gun ownership?

I can imagine there are parts of the UK where people probably feel that the police don't do enough to curb crime and protect them. It's not areas I've got personal experience of, but because the guys causing trouble probably only have knives it's kinda different.

No it's not really. Ask anybody who has been stabbed or had to fight a guy with a knife and I guarantee you they will tell you that they would have rather have just shot the guy. Having to fight off a guy with a knife is fucking terrifying. They probably got stabbed in the process. A lot of people from Europe argue that the only reason we want guns for self-defense is to defend against somebody else with a gun. That is absolutely not true. If somebody is trying to hurt me and I cannot run I don't want them to get close to me. I don't want to have to wait for them to get within striking distance in order for my a to defend myself.

Also you had to hunt for food!? That's crazy. That is something that does not make its way across the pond!

Understand the United States is a much bigger place and we did not destroy all of our wild places unlike like you guys did. I do not live in the area where I have to hunt for food but there are plenty of States where people still actively hunt for food because it is actually a lot more convenient. I knew somebody who grew up in Wyoming and hunting was how they got a good bulk of their food.

During the recession I did not have to hunt for food. I just did because it was much more cost-effective. I was able to stretch my daughter a lot more by hunting. Hunting allowed me to live a lot more comfortably.

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