Japanese people of Reddit, what are things you don't get about western people?

Could you provide a source for that? Alcohol withdrawal has similar symptoms, with the exception being hangovers are not known to be lethal, or cause seizures or hallucinations.

Wikipedia explains hangovers as a series of complex interactions due to the metabolism of alcohol and combinations of various things like impurities and dehydration. * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangover#Causes

Withdrawal is caused by the body acclimated its internal mechanisms to the constant presence of alcohol, and thus when removed the body overcompensates in those areas.

I have been through both and though very powerful hangovers can make you feel like you are dying, they abate pretty quickly (24 hours or so). Alcohol withdrawal that is severe enough can actually kill you and lasts for days.

It would not be wise to trivialize it by likening it to a hangover; people in acute ethanol withdrawal should seek medical attention.

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