How do you feel about the “POC Themed Housing” at UC Berkeley?

The latest statewide survey in CA, published in 2019, found that 19% of California community college students had experienced homelessness in the past year, and 60% had experienced some kind of housing insecurity. Black students, indigenous students, and LGBTQ students, especially transgender students, were at higher risk of housing insecurity than their peers.

Black students and Native American students see rates of housing insecurity at 73 and 74 percent, respectively. That's 15 percent more than White students.

31 and 32 percent are at risk for homelessness. That's 10 percent more than their white counterparts.

I think sometimes you need directly targeted services that help these people from disenfranchised communities stay afloat.

We should obviously work to provide these things to everyone, and if it was up to me we'd have social/public housing to avoid this in the first place.

But sometimes you need targeted approaches.

/r/AskALiberal Thread