How finite are the resources required for solar power?

You haven't done supply chain management, logistics nor played factorio, eh?

Centralised refining & production of staple materials (ore processing & smelting, glass production, specialty chemical plants(acids, polymers & so on)) will always be more efficient, both in terms of overall system simplicity (simple is best!), resource & product logistics, cost reduction & manpower division.

One of those giga-factories of yours would require specialists & operators from within every manufacturing & processing type - both mechanical & chemical. Unless you wish to be outplayed by -any- other solar panel producer due to the outrageous price you put on your panels (to even break even), you gotta be smart. Why handle bauxite refining for the aluminium frames when it's SO much easier, cheaper & faster to simply buy it from a bauxite processing facility? It also helps keep the market going, because when you buy aluminium from that facility you pay for their workers salaries & production costs, which pays for the mining companies salaries & production costs. People need money to be able to buy your solar panels.

TL:DR worst idea ever, we live in a market economy & your idea would crash and burn faster than Trumps approval rating within feminist organizations.

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