How do I fix myself?

I also reached that same point last night dude. I finally went out to test myself, I didn't talk to a single woman. I left early. Now I feel some depression coming up from it. I think I tried everything I can without the help of a professional so I'm somewhat in the same boat as you.

Anyways, there are two things I haven't tried - Meds and Therapy. I'm calling my doctor Monday first thing to get me on meds. If I don't see progress then my last straw is therapy. I heard it helps to do both, but I can't afford to. Maybe I'll hit up the school counseling actually in the Fall. Hm. ANYWAYS.

Things I have tried and maybe you haven't:

1) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - it's good. I think literally everyone should know some techniques and learn to spot their negative thinking pattern cause it does help you. One of the books I read said "your emotions are results of your thoughts". If you can do some math, you can see that positive thinking = positive emotions. This combined with having a routine (work out, work, friends, hobbies) completely obliterated my depression. Like, I chuckle at the episodes I get (I'm just asking for an episode so bad i'll be suicidal hey?) because I know one way to get rid/minimize the effect it has on me by applying CBT techniques and staying on my routine. This never really had a real impact on my social anxiety/anxiety in general. I'd say the positive impact on dealing with depression using these tools I learned, helped me more with my anxiety.

2) Gym - Cliche but it worked to some degree. One of my routine to minimize depression as I said earlier. In terms of anxiety, it helped - idk about you - me to be less intimidated by men. I was intimidated by men I didn't know but after I got some gains I really don't even think about it. To be completely honest, because of how low my self confidence is, my anxiety fucking spikes when there are women around me in social settings because I feel like I'm getting judged for my body and that they are looking at me and stuff. Helps that it makes to live a healthy lifestyle. That's always a bonus.

3) Meditating - Least affect on me. Honestly, i felt more clear headed and felt way better after a good workout. Being high on pump is actually one of the greatest feelings ever. I felt high on life and felt just so good. The reason I tried is because it worked on many people, so it may work on you.

I can't tell you what to do but I highly recommend you start getting into fitness and CBT. I hate the label i get from my friends about gym but it's worth the label 100%.

/r/socialanxiety Thread