Ohio Bill Would Ban Abortion if Down Syndrome Is Reason

Why the fuck would anyone think they have the right to tell other people what to do with their body

People react differently to things they perceive to be self-destructive in nature. Some folks might be fine with alcoholism persisting in those around them, while others might be utterly compelled to try to pass laws to prevent these poor folks from unknowingly harming themselves! Neutrality and non-bias seems to be the most beneficial when it comes to helping others, because first and foremost someone has to want help. Otherwise, leave them alone to do what they have to do, I say.

If you summon a level 7 demon through some sort of hypothetical occult ritual (which you just can't seem to help performing on a routine basis) and then have to sacrifice a goat in order to make it go away, regardless of someone's worldview they might still eventually come to wonder what's up with all the animal bones in your yard. Furthermore, were they to find out that you are indeed responsible for the demon's presence in the first place, every single time, many would wonder why you don't just stop the summoning rituals. Sure, they make your life more interesting, but you're just performing senseless acts for your own amusement, ultimately resulting in a set of circumstances requiring you to do something... unsavory, at best, and quite harmful to another at worst, with the final experiential end result obfuscated from all but the goat.

Everyone can do what they will, but if you keep bringing about disastrous results in your own life even the most neutral-standing individuals will eventually come to question your judgment. Whether or not you have the right to summon demons and kill animals is a matter for the courts, but if you keep performing these bizarre rituals and you're still not happy with the results, maybe you should retire your ouija board and consider taking a good long look at your life.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com