Do you feel like teachers understand your concerns as someone with SA?

I once had a presentation in my highschool English class. I told the teacher in private about my SA and he was very supportive and told me I could do it privately. The day of the class presentation comes and he calls out names one by one to go up. But then he calls out my name even though he knew I wasn't presenting. I sit in awkward silence, and he then proceeds to say "Oh yeah, I forgot you were doing it privately". Then in front of the whole class, he spits out a bunch of shit about how its completely fine if I have social anxiety, and that when I present, I can bring my sister with me for emotional support, and that I shouldn't be embarrassed about it (there was way more stuff but I can't remember rn). I just sat there completely emotionless. I felt like crying but held it in. Since that day I learned my lesson. Don't tell anyone other than your family and close friends about SA, because other people do not give a shit about you.

/r/socialanxiety Thread