How the fuck can I have an eating disorder when people fast for 90 days for health. Every time I try and admit that yes I have a serious problem, I see those subs and just feel ridiculous?? Like I’m not out here fasting 90 days, and I think I have a problem?? How?

Yeah my ex told me he was going to fast for 2 months and I finally decided to call him out and he got defensive of course. Dude literally told me he liked coming over my house because he could weigh himself. These people low key have body image issues and EDs as well’s just easier to hide it when you call it a “fast” - tbh I have a whole theory about how anorexia is easier to hide and be in denial of because, unless they’re also unnecessarily taking laxatives, it’s basically them just not eating whereas with bulimia there’s obviously something wrong because you are purposely making yourself throw up after consuming a shit ton of food. I mean that’s literally why people don’t notice there’s something going on until they’re extremely underweight. These people that fast for 90ds....there is no doubt in my mind that they’re obsessively weighing and looking at themselves while they do this.

/r/EDAnonymous Thread