How do you get a girl’s vagina smell off of your fingers? [NSFW]

And incase anyone is wondering if this is a bad thing to use, it isn't. If you get Candida Glabrata (the second most common yeast infection for women, little to no discharge just extremely uncomfortable with microtearing), regular treatment won't work. That means no monistat, no diflucan, nothing. None of that shit kills it. When I got this and had 0 idea what the fuck was going on since nothing was helping, my gyno finally did a swab and sent it to a lab after the 3rd failed diflucan treatment and that's how we found it. I was prescribed boric acid suppositories twice a day, for 2 weeks. The problem went away and never came back.

Had to go to the compound clinic to get them (they didn't have those on Amazon 4 years ago) and the boy who made them that a little too excited to be able to use the new suppository machine they had that mixed the ingredients, added it to a mold and used a vacuum to make it happen instantly. Yeah, that's great Brad can I have my coochie pills please.

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