How do you handle financial stress without resenting your nanny family?

I’m gonna be really honest. You are playing victim over something you did. It’s not the economies fault you took a job that doesn’t pay why you need, it’s not the families, they did mention force your ti work for them you chose that job. I think you need to look at the situation and stop blaming everyone else and try and figure out a plan out of this whole.

One rule to live buy is you don’t live with a partner in a apartment/house you can’t afford alone with all your other bills. I think we have all made this mistake before. We all make crappy choices and end up broke and struggling specially in the world we got right now but blaming everyone but you is just going to make you hate your jobs and everyone. Make a plan and work towards it. Start looking for a better paying job or a side Hustle. It’s not easy being financially stable like our families as a single person in their 20’s and I would bet at your age they weren’t either.

/r/Nanny Thread