How do you think J.J. Abrams would've approached TLJ if he directed it?

He would’ve fleshed out characters like Snoke and Phasma. He said the thing that most surprised him about TLJ was killing off Phasma. “I think there was more to say there” or something like that.”

The Knights of Ren are actually in the film, likely as a few of Luke’s students who followed Kylo.

Luke has a plan and a reason for being on Exegol beyond “I made a mistake guess I’ll just die.” JJ never imagined he had cut himself off from the force, and Rian actually changed the final scene because the original script had all of these rocks floating around the powerful Luke.

I think if he follows directly from the cliff hanger, there is a time skip early in the movie.

Rey Nobody is never a thing. This doesn’t undermine the general message of anybody can be a powerful Jedi/force sensitive because…

Finn likely is revealed as Force sensitive. While he isn’t with Rey and Luke obviously at the start, this could come up with Leia when he’s unconscious, after he wakes up, or even with Rey after the time jump.

We still get an awesome reunion with Luke and Leia, although it’s not as bittersweet. Like Luke is actually there with her not just a force hologram. Luke also likely wouldn’t die in this film.

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