Introverted men, what are the biggest pros and cons of being a male introvert?

So I'm the actual definition of introvert, as in not simply a guy with a bunch of social anxiety. I LOVE going out. I like going out to the bar, and I like going to EDM shows and rock concerts. I like festivals and raves. I love to experience new things. I go to the gym. The thing is, I absolutely need alone time to recharge. I cannot be full on all the time. The gym is quiet contemplative time. I always have headphones on at work (many times turned off) because I like the quiet and the order. I'm equally happy out partying as I am at home alone all day drinking beers and playing video games. The pros are that it's a balanced life. It's never too lonely because the alone time is with purpose and temporary. The cons are it's very hard to maintain friendships because I don't really need them, and my GF has trouble with it. She would be around me 24/7 if she had her way so she does not understand the need to recharge. Oddly enough, she does have some social anxiety and so gets nervous when we go to new places, but she is not introverted. It's OK, though. I love her and with our work schedules, I usually have enough time to myself so it's not an issue. We make a good team.

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