How long should convicted rapists be sentenced?

I'm not really sure how I'd "source" this. I'm not a lawyer by any means either, so someone please fill me in if there are any legal paradoxes in this. My opinion is this, however:

TBH, I don't have a lot of sympathy for people who get wasted and are raped. I certainly don't wish such a fate upon anyone, but there is most definitely a limit to how reckless you can be with your own body, after which point you must stop and begin to judge your own actions. This doesn't excuse the rapist, however. In cases like the Stanford case, 1-3 years in federal prison + 5-10 years probation + monetary restitution seem appropriate. For instance, I don't hold a ton of sympathy for the woman in "The Hunting Ground", but the perpetrator deserves punishment and she definitely deserved the million dollars from FSU, given how poorly they handled the case.

  • Cases in which there wasn't a distinct "no" and drugs weren't involved are up to the judge's discretion, but generally shouldn't even reach the prosecution stage or have sentences over a year. The only reason I say this is to make exceptions were victims are blackmailed or threatened into sex.

  • "Yes means yes" unfairly criminalizes young men and puts too much sexual power in the hands of women. Women can simply have sex enthusiatiscally, purposely avoid the word "yes" (which, IME, women seem to avoid saying to begin with) and control the situation.

Overall, it's a tricky situation and one that is hard to place without knowing the details on a case-by-case basis.

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