How many of you feel your views have changed or your understanding has expanded...Subtly or otherwise whilst posting here?

Things I've grew to learn:

*It's really hard to get money out of guys, I've tried being a sugar baby and started an onlyfans account, both werent that profitable

*People cheat all the time

*Guys care about looks alot and mostly all guys like the same thing.

*Incels have weird pedophile fantasies

*Guys cant relate to woman. I think it's funny when guys get pissed because they have to give their wife half in a divorce, like why wouldnt they have to? It's fair, in most cases the woman has stayed home looking after their kid which is unpaid work.

*Guys are also very hypocritical like they say "Woman are only attractive from 18 to 25" also they say "Woman are so superficial guys have low standards when it comes to looks!" Like yeah sure your standards are so low that you only like woman within a 7 year age range.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread