How many people will get lung damage from corona?

Okay (and I’m saying this as a Tesla fan, I love what they’re doing) let’s completely ignore the financial aspect and pretend you’re right (you’re not) on the fact that everyone will be able to throw away their currently fully functional ICE car and have enough money to just buy a new EV tomorrow. Even when we pretend that, where are all the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS or more of EV’s gonna come from? We don’t physically have enough EV’s to replace all ICE cars overnight. If there currently exist say 10 million EV’s and you need literally hundreds of millions to replace ICE cars, then you can do the toddler math and see we don’t have enough? Even changing 100% of ICE car manufacturing to EV overnight (another impossibility but let’s pretend again) would take many years to replace them all.

Next level stupid in a biology sub, sigh

/r/biology Thread Parent