how do you not give up?

Most men you run across arent bulls and they dont even understand the role in the dynamic. I heard once that about 20% of the men in this world get about 80% of all the sex, no idea if its true but the bulls bed many women while everyone else has few.

You just need to learn to find the real ones over the wannabes and guys who think having had 2-3 couples in their history makes them a bull. Its a mindset that most men dont get but bulls understand it very well.

Ive also found the men who need to see a pic in first few minutes of convo never pan out or are all about themselves. The best bulls want the power dynamic and want to know the couple and really get off on taking the mans woman over is she model quality or can we meet up same day you said hi for first time or they dont ask enough probing questions. That last one is a huge tell, when they dont seem to know how to lead the conversation and as a bull seem more reactionary than directory.

/r/CuckoldPsychology Thread