How Do You Organize Your Wardrobe?

I currently live in a tiny apartment too! I share a closet with my bf but have my own dresser. I uh, kind of place our laundry hampers in front of his dresser lol.

Most of my clothes are black so I don't organize by color, but in terms of saving space in my closet: swapping to thin velvet hangers, using tiered skirt and pant hangers, and putting off season clothes away in storage. Here's a shitty picture. The other half belongs to my bf.

To break it down, left to right goes:

  • outerwear
  • clothes worn, but not dirty enough for laundry, that also need to be hung, otherwise goes on my clothes chair
  • tiered hangers
  • clean clothes
  • occasion dresses

I don't really have a neat system, but by combining similar fabrics, types, lengths, cuts... in small sections help me remember where they are. You can see I bunched some whites together as well as florals. There's also a section of long dresses and jumpsuits. Another of drapey tops.

In the dresser most things are folded konmari style, and each drawer is organized by underwear, tops, bottoms etc. For example in this tops drawer, prints and solids are separated, and top to bottom rows goes:

  • t-shirts
  • tank tops
  • knit dresses

I'm definitely not a master organizer, so I'm not sure if this helps, but I hope you find something that works for you!

/r/femalefashionadvice Thread