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I agree with eating a lot of plant based foods but don't think going full vegan is the optimal choice... There's too much missing from a strict vegan diet like organ meats and dairy which are important to help a body properly develop and stay at peak health...there are ways to keep inflammation low while still eating animal foods... like by eating the proper type of dairy (they aren't all the same and some cause inflammation -> 99% of the dairy you can find today causes inflammation). Also with respect to meat since the cows and pigs we eat lead such shitty lives and eat terrible food respective to them the stuff the meat they end up providing to us is usually inflammatory --> 99% of the meat you can buy today will raise your inflammation markers.

Anyways I am not trying to shit on a vegan diet -> I think its a huge step forward from eating a 'standard' diet , but my main point is I think there are better diets out there, especially for athletes. But I do also agree that stuff like keto is straight trash.

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