How ProJared's Cancellation Exposes the Core Problem With Cancel Culture

I mean, I’ve submitted a number of articles here that have done well and align with what seems to be the general sentiment of the community. It’s possible to focus on multiple issues at the same time. This one happened to be relevant today and I don’t appreciate the assertion that if I don’t think absolutely every aspect of an attack against someone is warranted, I belong on KIA. That’s absurd. Shades of grey are always possible. Sometimes online outrage can be used for good. Other times there are missteps. Any movement with a positive goal surrounding social change need to also be reflective upon itself.

Again, I think ProJared is almost certainly a creep. I think his sex tumblr was super problematic. If that’s what everyone was angry about that would be fine. That doesn’t make him a pedo. Are you genuinely telling me that it’s somehow wrong to say “this dude sucks, but we still shouldn’t promote lies about him?”

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