Furry Convention Shows Milo Yiannopoulos the Door

I was going through a very difficult period in my life when Milo was at the peak of his fame, and was feeling suicidal for the first time in many years. And Milo in particular played a big role in radicalising a few individuals that I had trusted and thought of as friends for many years, turning them onto such toxic ideas that I eventually needed to cut them out of my life for the sake of my own sanity. So he, along with a handful of other individuals and events, became something of a symbol to me of an increasingly cruel, hostile world that I no longer felt I had a right to be part of.

I’m ashamed to admit it, but for a moment, I think I almost bought into the idea of him being the powerful influencer of public opinion that he wants to present himself as, rather than the sleazy, pathetic opportunist he actually is; for a moment, I think I was actually kind of afraid of him. So while I’m not normally one to take pleasure in the misery of others, I must admit seeing stories like this always makes me smile. Watching one of the prominent figures from a very dark period in my life implode as my own circumstances improve again feels somehow fitting. And I’m glad to see that whenever his name pops up in the news now, it’s always in relation to something hilariously pathetic and sad, because frankly that’s all that his escapades ever deserved. I regret ever thinking he was even someone worth getting upset over.

/r/GamerGhazi Thread Link - rightwingwatch.org